Source code for mighty.monitor.accuracy

Accuracy measures

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: toctree/monitor


from abc import ABC

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

from mighty.utils.var_online import MeanOnlineLabels
from mighty.utils.signal import compute_distance

__all__ = [

def calc_accuracy(labels_true, labels_predicted) -> float:
    if labels_true.ndim == labels_predicted.ndim:
        accuracy = (labels_true == labels_predicted).float().mean()
        onehot = F.one_hot(labels_predicted, num_classes=labels_true.shape[1])
        accuracy = (labels_true * onehot).sum(dim=1).float().mean()
    return accuracy.item()

class Accuracy(ABC):

    def __init__(self):
        self.true_labels_cached = []
        self.predicted_labels_cached = []

    def reset(self):
        Resets all cached predicted and ground truth data.

    def reset_labels(self):
        Resets predicted and ground truth **labels**.

    def partial_fit(self, outputs_batch, labels_batch):
        If the accuracy measure is not argmax (if the model's last layer isn't
        a softmax), the output is an embedding vector, which has to be stored
        and retrieved at prediction.

        outputs_batch : torch.Tensor or tuple
            The output of a model.
        labels_batch : torch.Tensor
            True labels.

    def predict(self, outputs_test):
        Predict the labels, given model output.

        outputs_test : torch.Tensor or tuple
            The output of a model.

            Predicted labels.
        return self.predict_proba(outputs_test).argmax(dim=1)

    def predict_proba(self, outputs_test):
        Compute label probabilities, given model output.

        outputs_test : torch.Tensor or tuple
            The output of a model.

            The probabilities of assigning to each class of shape `(., C)`,
            where C is the number of classes.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.extra_repr()})"

    def extra_repr(self):
        return ''

[docs] class AccuracyArgmax(Accuracy): """ Softmax accuracy. The predicted labels are simply ``output.argmax(dim=-1)``. """
[docs] def predict(self, outputs_test): labels_predicted = outputs_test.argmax(dim=-1) return labels_predicted
[docs] def predict_proba(self, outputs_test): return outputs_test.softmax(dim=1)
[docs] def partial_fit(self, outputs_batch, labels_batch): super().partial_fit(outputs_batch=outputs_batch, labels_batch=labels_batch) labels_pred = self.predict(outputs_batch) self.predicted_labels_cached.append(labels_pred.cpu())
[docs] class AccuracyEmbedding(Accuracy): """ Calculates the accuracy of embedding vectors. The mean embedding vector is kept for each class. Prediction is based on the closest centroid ID. Parameters ---------- metric : str, optional The metric to compute pairwise distances with. Default: 'cosine' cache : bool, optional Cache predicted data or not. Default: False """ def __init__(self, metric='cosine', cache=False): super().__init__() self.metric = metric self.cache = cache self.input_cached = [] self.centroids_dict = MeanOnlineLabels() @property def centroids(self): """ Returns ------- torch.Tensor `(C, N)` mean centroids tensor, where C is the number of unique classes, and N is the hidden layer dimensionality. """ centroids = self.centroids_dict.get_mean() return centroids @property def is_fit(self): """ Returns ------- bool Whether the accuracy predictor is fit with data or not. """ return len(self.centroids_dict) > 0
[docs] def reset(self): super().reset() self.centroids_dict.reset() self.input_cached.clear()
def extra_repr(self): return f'metric={self.metric}, cache={self.cache}'
[docs] def distances(self, outputs_test): """ Returns the distances to fit centroid means. Parameters ---------- outputs_test : (B, D) torch.Tensor Hidden layer activations. Returns ------- distances : (B, C) torch.Tensor Distances to each class (label). """ assert len(self.centroids_dict) > 0, "Fit the classifier first" centroids = torch.as_tensor(self.centroids, device=outputs_test.device) distances = [] outputs_test = outputs_test.unsqueeze(dim=1) # (B, 1, D) centroids = centroids.unsqueeze(dim=0) # (1, n_classes, D) for centroids_chunk in centroids.split(split_size=50, dim=1): # memory efficient distances_chunk = compute_distance(input1=outputs_test, input2=centroids_chunk, metric=self.metric, dim=2) distances.append(distances_chunk) distances =, dim=1) return distances
[docs] def partial_fit(self, outputs_batch, labels_batch): super().partial_fit(outputs_batch=outputs_batch, labels_batch=labels_batch) outputs_batch = outputs_batch.detach() self.centroids_dict.update(outputs_batch, labels_batch) if self.cache: self.input_cached.append(outputs_batch.cpu())
[docs] def predict_cached(self): """ Predicts the output of a model, using cached output activations. Returns ------- torch.Tensor Predicted labels. """ if not self.cache: raise ValueError("Caching is turned off") if len(self.input_cached) == 0: raise ValueError("Empty cached input buffer") input_cached =, dim=0) return self.predict(input_cached)
[docs] def predict(self, outputs_test): argmin = self.distances(outputs_test).argmin(dim=1).cpu() labels_stored = self.centroids_dict.labels() labels_stored = torch.IntTensor(labels_stored) labels_predicted = labels_stored[argmin] return
[docs] def predict_proba(self, outputs_test): distances = self.distances(outputs_test) proba = 1 - distances / distances.sum(dim=1).unsqueeze(1) return