Source code for mighty.utils.common

Finding a layer

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: toctree/utils/


Working with batches

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: toctree/utils/



.. autosummary::
    :toctree: toctree/utils/



import torch
import torch.nn as nn

__all__ = [

[docs] def batch_to_cuda(batch): """ Transfers the batch to CUDA. This function is used when you don't know what is the structure of a batch. Parameters ---------- batch : torch.Tensor or iterable A tensor or an iterable of tensors. Returns ------- batch : torch.Tensor or tuple Transferred to CUDA batch. """ if not torch.cuda.is_available(): return batch if isinstance(batch, torch.Tensor): batch = batch.cuda() else: # iterable batch = tuple(map(batch_to_cuda, batch)) return batch
[docs] def input_from_batch(batch): """ If the input is a tensor, return it. Otherwise, return the first element. Parameters ---------- batch : torch.Tensor or tuple of torch.Tensor Input batch. Returns ------- torch.Tensor A tensor, used as the input to a model. """ if isinstance(batch, torch.Tensor): # unsupervised learning, no labels return batch # iterable return batch[0]
[docs] def find_layers(model, layer_class): """ Find all layers of type `layer_class` in the input model and yield them as a generator. Parameters ---------- model : nn.Module A model. layer_class : type A layer class to look for. Yields ------ nn.Module A children layer of instance `layer_class` found in the input model. """ for name, layer in find_named_layers(model, layer_class=layer_class): yield layer
[docs] def find_named_layers(model: nn.Module, layer_class, name_prefix=''): """ Find all layers of type `layer_class` in the input model and yield them as ``(name, layer)`` tuples. Parameters ---------- model : nn.Module A model. layer_class : type or tuple of type A layer class to look for. name_prefix : str, optional A name prefix to add to the final result. Yields ------ str The name of a children layer. nn.Module A children layer of instance `layer_class` found in the input model. """ for name, layer in model.named_children(): yield from find_named_layers(layer, layer_class, name_prefix=f"{name_prefix}.{name}") if isinstance(model, layer_class): yield name_prefix.lstrip('.'), model
def find_param_by_name(module: nn.Module, name: str): for _name, param in module.named_parameters(): if _name == name: return param return None
[docs] def set_seed(seed: int): """ Sets the global seed for PyTorch, Numpy, and built-in `random` function. Parameters ---------- seed : int The global seed. """ import random import numpy as np random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed)
[docs] def clone_cpu(tensor): """ Clones a tensor, followed by to CPU transfer. If the input tensor is bounded to GPU, no extra copy is made. Parameters ---------- tensor : torch.Tensor An input tensor. Returns ------- torch.Tensor A CPU-bounded tensor copy. """ tensor_clone = tensor.cpu() if tensor_clone is tensor: tensor_clone = tensor_clone.clone() return tensor_clone